Handling microtransactions and constant monitoring such as visitors, rentals, donations,... Inworld.Online deals with millions of transactions and updates per day.
We offer unique services to our customers, both in-world and via web.
Inworld.Online supports our customers directly through web functionalities or via our support staff.
When we rented our first region in the virtual world Second Life ®, it was clear from the beginning that even in a virtual world management tools are crucial to manage a large amount of microtransactions.
An independent region management system is now a fact, integrating an existing area system.
When we added a second region, and then a third region, the management system was expanded to cover the handling of parcels, self defined areas, event boards, donation jars, etc.
Celebrating our first anniversary, we offer added value
like self management via web and event management for tenants to our system, and
much much more!
Our operations support several regions 24/7. Efficiency,
people centric support, integration are our highest priority.
Inworld.Online runs on first class servers and guarantees a permanent maintenance providing
the highest degree of performance and security. All data is stored safely within
the European Union, protected by the strictest privacy rules on the planet.
We only use data for legitimate interest (like security), no direct marketing, no third parties, and certainly no publicly accessible data.
Inworld.Online is no longer only focused on managing land and sims. Offering integration with bots, group management and notices, communication to and even via Discord, and much more. All supported by a single browser app available on every device including your smartphone. No more need to buy or rent different systems in-world to manage your business. Our app is constantly improved based on your feedback.
Support, communication, follow up of questions and issues
Development, bug fixing, distribution of new scripts
Representing the owner and investor. Keeps an eye on what's going on
Too many too tell...